Il ne reste plus que 6 jours pour l'anniversaire de la reine Rania, elle fêtera son 40éme anniversaire le mardi 31 Août et pour cette occasion je vous réserve un petit cadeau à tout les fans de la reine Rania de Jordanie cette reine des cœurs RDV le 31.
RépondreSupprimerThis is the first time I comment on your blog, so I hope you understand english :)
First I want to congratulate you for this wonderful blog. I must confess I come here to check it out almost every day, because I'm also a big fan of Queen Rania and of her work.
Can't wait to see what is the surprise that you'r preparing for her 40th birthday... ;)
Have a great day!
Hello and welcome to you Anne:) I'm really glad you like my blog how is yours now!
RépondreSupprimerHAVE A Great Day My Dear, and I hope to see you soon on this blog.